Getting massage therapy should be be very relaxing . You should feel comfortable with your massage therapist. A good professional will answer any of your questions before your massage session. Always inform your massage therapist about any pain or tight tension areas you may have. There is nothing to be nervous about if it’s your first time.
A full body massage consists of your back, neck , head , arms, legs and your buttocks if you wish. You are in control and if there’s certain areas you don’t want touched just say so. Your massage will be customized and based on your individual needs.
You are always draped with a sheet and only the area worked on during your massage is exposed. You are NEVER fully naked ! If you feel more comfortable with a female massage therapist just make it known before your massage. Alot of women don’t like a male massage therapist because it’s uncomfortable to them. We understand and want you to have a great massage! We will make you feel comfortable so you can relax and get the most out of your massage !
Let’s us help you Nashville for a great massage experience!
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