Mobile Massage Nashville, TN and surrounding areas
Massage Types
Swedish Massage
This is the type of massage most people are familiar with. Swedish massage involves effleurage (long gliding strokes), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (percussion) and friction. Swedish Massage can range from light to vigorous.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue massage is used to penetrate the deeper layers of musculature. In order to get to these deeper layers the therapist may use a variety of techniques. Swedish strokes are sometimes used to warm the superficial layers of tissue. Once the tissues are warmed, the therapist can use long slow gliding strokes, sustained compression, strokes that travel across the muscle fiber or perpendicular to the muscle fibers. This may include myofascial techniques or cross fiber friction.
Group/Party Massage
Having a get together? Perhaps you’d like your guests to take a load off! Pamper your friends and family by providing each of them with a 15 minute to 30 minute massage. We will set up our equipment in the designated room and perform massages until the conclusion of the event. Minimum of two hours required.
Couples Massage
Couples massage can be performed side-by-side if there is availability, or back to back. It can be an hour or 90 minutes. Your choice.