Massages are so much more than an indulgence. Symptoms arising from many health problems can definitely be reduced or eliminated with regular massages.
Are you even aware of some conditions a massage really works well on ???!
Getting Your regular massages combats stress. Massage will help lower your blood pressure and improve your quality of sleep .
Who doesn’t have lower back pain from sitting all day at a desk at work ? Poor posture develops from sitting alot and causes alot of lower back issues .. sound familiar? A good Massage Therapist will loosen up the muscles associated with the back. The tension will release and you will feel refreshed!
How about joint stiffness ? As we age our joints and muscles get achy and more stiff . Massages will loosen you up and get you your range of motion back. You will experience more flexibility. This helps relieve pain in your shoulders , knees and hips .
If you are dealing with any of these issues it’s good to know how a professional massage therapist can help you . You don’t need an excuse to get a massage ! Just get them regularly so your body can function properly.