The following is helpful suggestions for enjoying your next massage session. There are things you can do that will make sure you get what you need and want from massage therapy. As your massage therapist we want you to have a fantastic experience during your massage.
First you wanted a massage because you need to relax and unwind. Its a good idea to shower before your massage session. It gets your body starting to relax. Also if you been out working in the gym and your sweaty we can’t work on you . Smelling body odor and sweat is not pleasant!
Please turn off your cell phone during your massage. When your cell phone is constantly ringing or getting texts it just doesn’t help you relax.
Next PLEASE let a massage therapist know if your sick ! We can’t afford to get sick because we don’t get paid while sick .
Please ask us anything about massage therapy. People especially if your first timers don’t know what to expect. We understand and are happy to answer your questions that are related to massage.
Make regular massage appointments. The more regularly you have massages the more you will reap the benefits. Most of these massage tips are common sense but if you keep them in mind this should help all your massage sessions be more enjoyable and effective for you !
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