If you just had a baby you want to avoid postpartum depression. Getting Postpartum massages is the key to your recovery. After a woman has gone through 9 + months of pregnancy, labour and the birth of her child her body is stressed out .
Most women can have a postpartum massage five days after normal delivery. If you had a c-section always check with your doctor. He may advise you one to 2 weeks after delivery .
Being pregnant takes a toll on your body . It’s long and often stressful. It’s a good idea to get prenatal massages through the course of your pregnancy. There is NOTHING like massages to get your body back to its normal condition after pregnancy.
Postpartum Massages deliver benefits to you such as..
The Recovery of your Uterus.
Reduces swelling in your body.
Improves breastfeeding.
Reduces the risks of lumps and bumps in the breasts especially if your breastfeeding.
Reduces Stress !
Improved Stability , posture and coordination.
Speeds up recuperation.
Helps in dealing with Postpartum blues.
Of course it’s natural for any women to experience stress, anxiety and other mixed emotions after delivery of a baby. Please listen to your body and give it the attention it needs through postpartum massages. Check with your doctor for any concerns or questions.
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