There is ALOT of things to consider when seeking out a professional massage therapist. First are they a legit licensed massage therapist ? L.m.t. You need to know and ask them. Of course you want to be safe and protected. If a so called massage therapist isn’t licensed by the state of Tennessee they are breaking the law. It’s sad but prostitutes hide using ” massage therapist” and make a bad name for us that are licensed!
Does the massage therapist communicate with you properly? Do they have a website and business cards? Do they seem to give you clear answers when you ask about massage therapy questions? Do you see good reviews online about them ? If they are mobile do they bring a massage table to you ?
Massage therapists are in the health care industry. Anything they talk with you about should pertain to massage therapy. If they are vague they could be involved in human trafficking which is illegal! Listen to their words carefully!
Just some questions that you need to know to ask before you get a massage . If any of their conversation is confusing , conflicting or off topic then obviously they aren’t a legit massage therapist.