Are you constantly feeling “Adrenal Fatigue?” 😣You know you may be feeling Burnt Out , and you drag through each day to day.😐 For some crazy reason at night you feel like you got a second wind of energy???!🤔 And it freaking keeps you up all night long!!! 🤤 Sheesh get massages 💆♂️ people !!! 😁
If you are under chronic stress then massage therapy 💆♀️can help you !💯 Massages will lower your cortisol levels that are causing all that unnecessary stress in your life . 💥Massages increase your serotonin ad dopamine levels. 💥From having massages you will notice that your hormones will come more into balance.
So in conclusion if you find your world is crazy and unbalanced consult with your doctor👨🍳 first. 💥He will be able to test you and give you instructions which I’m sure will include massages!💥 Eating a healthy diet cutting out sugars , wheat gluten and high processed foods will help ❗❗💥Ditch that “caffeine” and ” moodiness ” you feel. It’s time for MASSAGES to rescue you! ❤